Saturday, June 23, 2012

When you are bored of the common and generic  themes provided by weebly, you can quickly and easily  upload a customised theme, hundreds of free weebly themes available on internet.
If you have designed your own  or downloaded   custom CSS (cascading style sheet) template that you want to utilize with your blog or website ,Lot s of free Weebly templates
available on internet.
You can easily import it using the custom templates feature in your account. In order for your custom CSS (cascading style sheet)  template to work correctly, you must upload it as a zipped file directory and image files in the root directly of the zipped folder.

Open up your browser ..go to Weebly and sign in your weebly account.

Navigate to the CSS (cascading style sheet)  template that you wish to utilize. You may have downloaded it from the Online or developed it your self on your computer .

Select your targeted weebly blog or website .Click on " Edit "

Click on " Design " tab.

Click on " All Themes " tabs  (left side).

Click on " Import Themes "  click on " Upload Theme " select your favorite theme (your pc).

Now again click on " Design " tab " and select your uploaded theme .

Click on " Publish "

Okey ...Mission complete...vist your weebly blog or website and see result..


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  1. You make it really easy to understand the whole Tutorial properly. I want to ask you one thing that if we make a layout in Photoshop than convert in Html how could we upload that layout as a blogger template kindly give me some suggestion.

  2. I would simply say to you all “awesome information”.
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